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July 4th Boat parade info...soon

Meeting Minutes

Per the minutes of our annual meeting, walleye fingerlings were stocked today Oct. 13, 2023. Fingerlings looked to be in very good condition.

BMLID Board Meeting – 09/05/2023

The BMLID Board of Directors met via Zoom on September 05, 2023. All members were present except Dale Janssen & Dave Olig. Also present were LID members Rob Campbell and Roger Fenstad. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the situation regarding County Ditch 25 and the wetlands south of Highway 35. It was brought to the attention of the LID board that the farmer that lives north of the ditch is in discussion with the county to clean out the farm ditch North of Highway 35 (due to problems the farmer sees in grazing his cattle). If this is allowed, Big McDonald Lake will surely see green scum and e-coli polluting the lake as happened the last time Otter Tail County cleaned the ditch for this farmer (4 or 5 years ago). Prior testing of the lake has shown this to be true. However, the farmer does not trust our testing. The county ditch superintendent has stated that the law is on the side of the farmer and feels that the farmer will file a petition in the next few weeks to accomplish his goal, although the last time the ditch was cleaned, a new larger culvert was installed, and we believe all the work was done without petitioning OTC. Our Otter Tail County commissioner appears to be leaning towards supporting the farmer.


The discussion then centered on what the LID must do to stop this. It was determined that the LID must engage an attorney familiar with water issues as soon as possible. Tammy Norgard of the Vogel law firm in Fargo will be contacted to see if she is available to represent the LID. Roger is knowledgeable with some of her prior work in water issues in Otter Tail County, and feels she is an exceptional attorney in this area. Keith made a motion to retain Tammy Norgard to represent the LID and Chad seconded the motion. It was unanimously passed. If the LID is able to engage her, a Zoom meeting will be scheduled with her as soon as possible.


It was also felt that it would be helpful to contact the Area Hydrologist with MN DNR about the wetland situation. It is expected that she will back our position.


Cyndy Wedryk, acting secretary


2023 Boat parade!

Big McDonald Boat Parade

This year's winners:  3rd place went to #12 with Uncle Sam and Lady Liberty, 2nd place is #8 with Mutt Cutts (Lloyd and Harry), and 1st place is #5 The Loon Pontoon!



Click here to check out the Boat Page

BMLID annual meeting 6/10/2023

The annual meeting took place on 6/10. 


The meeting minutes and other information is now available, it can be located from the top menu - Annual Meetings - 2023 Meeting or

you can Click HERE


Check out more information about the 2022 Meeting on the Annual Meeting Page

2021/22 BMLID Annual Meeting – Agenda


June 11th, 2023, 9:30 am @ Dent Pavilion


I. Welcome

II. Pledge of Allegiance

III. Treasurers Report

IV. 2021 Minutes of Annual Meeting – Approval?

V. Old Business:

Big McDonald Lake water quality

VI. New Business:

Guest speaker – Jim Wolters of MN DNR re: fish gate at N. wetlands culvert and copper sulfate use (with permit) for Zebra Mussels and Chinese Mystery Snails


Discussion & Approval of 2023 Budget

Secchi Disk Readings (Steve & Junelle Christianson)


Election of Board Members:

Ron Zitzow – President

Chad Gabrialson – Vice President

Dale Janssen – Secretary

Cyndy Wedryk – Treasurer (non-voting)

Chris Kennelly

Justin Carney

Keith Brokke

Roger Fenstad


Set Meeting Date for 2023 (June 10, 2023?)


VII. Other

Tree Planting Initiative


Proposed Budget 2022/2023



Ad Valorum Tax Receipts $ 8,000.00

Checking Account Interest 50.00

Total Income $ 8,050.00



Administrative – Clerical, Annual Meeting, Postage $ 350.00

Lake Testing/Monitoring 1,250.00

Membership – Conservation Minnesota 150.00

Fish Stocking 5,000.00

Web Page Update and Maintenance 600.00

Total Expenses $ 7,350.00


Total $ 700.00


Treasurers Report for 06/01/21 - 05/31/22



06/01/2021 Balance $46,578.11

Income Ad Valorum Tax Receipts 3,557.31

CD Interest 363.32

Checking Account Interest 33.89

Total Income $3,954.52

Expenses: Moore Engineering 19,926.60

Web Page Maintenance 155.00

Conservation Minnesota 150.00

RMB Labs (Water Testing) 920.00

Post Office Box and Postage 148.30

Total Expenses: 21,299.90


Balance as of 05/31/2022 $29,232.73



Addendum to Treasurer’s Report

Remaining Amount of Fresh Water Society Grant - $ 2,447.04

(2017 Fiscal Year)

Big McDonald  Lake Elevation Info

Big McDonald Lake is located 6 miles northwest of Dent, MN in Otter Tail County. It is a long and narrow lake covering 992 acres (Table 1). Big McDonald Lake has no major inlets or outlets, which characterizes it as a groundwater seepage lake. It has a connection with McDonald Lake to the east and West McDonald Lake to the west. It also flows south into Archie Lake, but that lake is not connected to any other water bodies.


Fish Types Present:
Black Crappie, Bluegill, Largemouth Bass, Northern Pike, Pumpkinseed Sunfish, Rock Bass, Walleye, Perch


- See more at:




Located between the cities of Dent, Vergas and Perham...



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