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BMLID Annual Meeting Minutes – June 8, 2019

The meeting was called to order by chairman Don Beck at 10:00 AM.

Board members present were:  Jim Yost, Rob Campbell, Craig Johnson, Lonnie Lowe, John Lundby and Cyndy Wedryk.

The treasurer’s report was presented by Cyndy Wedryk.  A motion to approve was made by Rob Campbell and seconded by Bill Hager.  The motion passed unanimously.

The minutes from the 2018 annual meeting were presented by Cyndy Wedryk.  A motion to approve  was made by Jim Yost and seconded by Bill Hager.  The motion passed unanimously.


The proposed budget was presented and discussed.  Discussion points were as follows:
(1)  Tent caterpillar spraying may not be necessary this year, since it appears that there 
       are not a significant amount of them.  The decision was made to hold off spraying   
       until the board hears from affected residents that tent caterpillars are a problem.  The
       possibility of spraying for mosquitos was raised if it is not necessary to spray for the 
       tent caterpillars.  The board will look into the cost and effectiveness of such 
(2)  This year the state will stock our lake.  In 2018, the BMLID budgeted $2000.00 to 
       stock our  lake, as the state stocks in only odd years.  Due to an early freeze, our lake 
       was not stocked in 2018.  The question was, do we budget for fish stocking for the 
       2019 year, since we have $2000.00 from last year to carryforward to 2020.  A 
       motion was made by Dale Janssen and seconded by Bill Hager to continue to budget 
       for fish stocking for 2019. 
(3)  The idea of deferring the BMLID tax assessment was raised, until the point in time 
       when all of  the reserves of the BMLID are spent.  Don Beck presented that the 
       main purpose of the formation of the BMLID, was to establish a reserve for any 
       possible professional fees that might be necessary to incur for the preservation of our 
       lake.  A motion was made to accept the proposed budget as it stands by Rob 
       Campbell and seconded by Craig Johnson.  The proposed budget was approved with 
       one dissenting vote.


Craig Johnson discussed the tree planting program which began in 2018.  There are 2 trees allowed per landowner at a cost to the landowner of $15.00 per tree.  The rest of the cost of $30.00 per tree, is covered by the grant received in 2018 of which $3,500.00 remains.  A landowner who does not want any trees, may donate them to another landowner.  The application for the trees may be made on our website at


The lake elevation was reported on.  Our ordinary high water mark is 1354.9 feet (1988 datum).  The current level is 1353.8 feet and last year it was 1353.7.  The weir level is 1353.1.  


The county has hired beaver trappers, and they have been very successful in reducing the beaver population.


Steve and Junelle Christianson do the water quality testing for our lake.  The Secchi disc reading on May 20 was 22 feet and last year’s May reading was 26 feet.  It was noted that there are more weeds than last year.  


The election of board members was discussed.  Don Beck, Jim Yost and John Lundby’s terms have expired.  We thank them for their service and hard work on behalf of the BMLID.  Prior to the meeting Keith Brokke and Chad Gabrielson agree to run.  Nominations were solicited from the floor, and no one applied.  One position remains unfilled and a motion was made by Mike Hofer and seconded by Dale Janssen to allow the board to fill this position and to accept the 2 nominations. This passed unanimously.


The 4th of July boat parade will be handled by Jane Prather and Carol Myhre this year.  Jane’s e-mail is:


Other items brought up by meeting attendees included: a microphone for future meetings and any 911 signs which were damaged during snowplowing are to be replaced by the county.  


The next annual meeting will be June 13, 2020.

The meeting adjourned at 10:15 AM.

Respectively submitted,  

Cyndy Wedryk, Secretary/Treasurer

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