Big McDonald Lake Improvement District
2022 Information

BMLID Annual Meeting Minutes – June 11, 2022
The meeting was called to order by President Keith Brokke at 9:30 AM
The Pledge of Allegiance was spoken by all 57 in attendance.
Board members present: Keith Brokke, Ron Zitzow, Cyndy Wedryk, Roger Fenstad and Dale Janssen
The treasure’s report was presented by Cyndy Wedryk. The Moore Engineering invoices were questioned, but it was explained that Moore only did what had been approved at the 2021 meeting. The report was accepted in a motion made by Jim Yost and seconded by Henry Knoll. Motion passed.
2021 Annual meeting minutes were read by Dale Janssen. Motion was made by Brian Bunnell seconded by Peggy Skibo. Motion Passed.
Water quality sampling including secchi disk readings were taken May 24th, 2022, by Steve and Junelle Christenson. The South end of lake was 29 ft. (on the bottom), four other areas at 38ft depth the readings were 31’ to 29’. These reading are taken the third Sunday of each month May through September each year. The readings were much better than one year ago when the May average was just 17’. Steve and Junelle were thanked for their continuing effort.
Regarding expenses paid to Moore Engineering for work done at Wendt Lake to control carp, one person commented if the LID did nothing the lake would take care of itself, and the LID’s efforts had little or no affect.
Others did not agree, and the level of phosphorus and e-coli had never been this high. If the e-coli issue continued to increase, it could pose a health risk. If the LID did not have this data recorded, it would be impossible to address should a problem occur in the future. This data gives us the records necessary to address.
The low water level and the cold winter probably winter killed the fish in Wendt Lake and if fish barriers were installed as planned (one will soon be fabricated and installed on the ditch 25 inlet to Big McDonald after it is fabricated and ready) the carp would not get into Wendt Lake. The outlet of Big McDonald does not have a barrier and carp are continuing to come in from downstream lakes.
Jim Wolters of MN DNR presented a report on Big McDonald Lake. His report can be found on the BMLID website. Secretary notes:
Fry are 3/8 inch long with 1% estimated survival, fingerlings are 5-7 inches long with an estimated survival of 17%. Stocking is done at public assess. BMLID stocking is done on the south end of the lake (skunk bay). MN DNR stocks Big McDonald on even years and the Big McDonald LID stock on odd years, so DNR will stock this fall of 2022.
Mr. Wolters was asked about installing a fish barrier on the outlet. He will be looking into this and will meet with the LID Board once we have3 identified a fabricator to build the fish barrier to our specifications.
Chinese Mystery Snails and Zebra Mussels were talked about. Mr. Wolters was asked about the use of Copper Sulfate. Jim commented that if swimmers itch has been identified then the DNR could issue permits for its use.
Comments were made about algae on the west side of the lake, Mr. Wolters said this is a green-algae that can form when the water stays in the 60’s and should disappear as the water temperature gets into the 70’s.
The turtle pond has completely turned green already. This is part of the process and not much can be done.
The proposed 2022-2023 budget was modified in discussion. Items added included:
spraying Tent Caterpillars of $3000
fish barriers at the inlet and outlet (cost sharing with Otter Tail County) for $2000
annual fish stocking of $3000
web page maintenance was changed to $200 annually.
This made the total budgeted expense $9,950 for the next year (June 1, 2022 to May 31, 2023). This change will be reflected in the income budget to match. A motion was made to accept the budget by Roger Fenstad and seconded by Junelle Christianson; motion passed.
The next years officers were approved with office appointments to be done by the LID board.
Bill Kippley informed the meeting attendees that his outboard motor and gas was stolen last fall from his boat by someone traveling quietly in the dark. Bill warned those present to be careful of what is left in boats overnight.
The 2023 Annual meeting is scheduled for June 10th, 2023, at 10 AM.
Greg Johnson motioned to adjourn.
The meeting adjourned at 11:12 AM.
Respectfully submitted: Dale Janssen